Divine Film Comedies creates a meaningful dialogue between stories in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament and comedies spanning the history of film. The text lies at the intersection of three disciplines: humor/comedy studies, film studies, and theology. Drawing on films from the silent era to the 21st century, the book highlights parallels between comedic sub-genres and sacred narratives, parables, and proverbs, illuminating a path to seeing and understanding both Scripture and film through a comic lens. The book will be of interest to students and scholars of theology and film, media, and communications.
This is the first full-length study to focus on the trajectory of faith and doubt during this period, taking very seriously the oft-quoted words of the director himself: 'My whole life has been movies and religion. That's it. Nothing else.
The novel follows the prodigal adventures of a clergyman’s daughter as she stumbles into the movie industry and finds it to be a new and liberating moral universe.
years, Sister Rose Pacette and Peter Malone have published Roman Catholic guides to contemporary films entitled Lights ... the film as the place to discover God's general revelation, revealing God's grace and the theological lessons in ...
This book studies the use of cinematic space by four important directors in American cinema from the 1930s to the 1960s: Frank Capra, Ernst Lubitsch, Josef von Sternberg, and William Wyler.
From the first feature-length comedy, Tillie's Punctured Romance, in 1914 to contemporary classics like Annie Hall, this lively, fact-filled volume contains more than 300 entries, organized in an A-Z format,...
Gross - out as a distinctive format - in the mainstream Hollywood films of Peter and Bobby Farrelly , for example ... The central character , played in each case by Divine , is not recuperated by any conventionally cosy or romantic ...
This point is made with one of the film's most likable characters, Hobie Doyle. More than just the star of westerns, Hobie is essentially one of the cowboys he portrays. He is a fundamentally good guy, with a strong sense of right and ...
... earth as a foretaste of what we will enjoy in heaven. The story of Rubin “Hurricane” Carter reminds us that every so often, against impossible odds and through the goodness of human hearts, the reign of God breaks in upon the world.
... and Documents in Silent American Film and Religion, 1908–1922 (2001), Sanctuary Cinema: The Origins of the Christian Film Industry (2007) and Divine Film Comedies: Biblical Narratives and Film Comedy Sub-genres (forthcoming, 2016).
... 79, 189, 190, 253 Hack, Shelley 49 Hadleigh, Boze 284, 285 Hagerty, Julie 73, 140 Haight-Ashbury (San Francisco) 186 Haines, Billy 277 Hairspray 96, 97 Hai, Zafar 151 HalfMoon Street 36, 37 Hall, Arsenio 228 Halloween 247 Hamilton, ...