Co-published with UCEA, this new textbook tackles Standard #2 of the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL)—Ethics and Professional Norms. This volume includes specific strategies for school leaders to develop knowledge and skills in supporting the learning and development of all students, as well as understanding the dynamics and importance of ethics in leadership practice. By presenting problem-posing cases, theoretical grounding, relevant research, implications for practice, and learning activities, this book provides aspiring leaders with the background, learning experiences, and analytical tools to successfully promote ethical leadership and student success in their contexts. Special features include: • Case Studies—provide an opportunity to practice ethical reasoning and engage in the discussion of complexities and debates within each case. • Learning Activites—a range of exercises help readers make connections to the PSEL standard. • Important Resources—includes resources that support and encourage students to explore each of the chapter’s elements.
To help resolve the dilemmas that challenge every school leader, this book: Guides readers through the process of making ethical decisions Bridges ethics to issues of accountability Provides scenarios that reflect the difficult choices ...
This book presents a foundations approach to educational ethics which applies theory to practice using case studies, exercises, discussion statements, and questions.
Reclaiming School Reform Steven Jay Gross, Joan Poliner Shapiro. Questions to Discuss: 1. ... REFERENCES Bishop, R., & Glynn, T. (1999). Culture counts: Changing power relations in ... Boston: Pearson Education. Furman, G. (2012).
Ethical Leadership for a Better Education System: What Kind of People Are We? sets out a new vision for school leadership, moving beyond ‘leadership styles’ and ‘best practice’, to the motivations of school leaders.
Powell, A. G., Farrar, E., & Cohen, D. K. (1985). The shopping mall high school: Winners and losers in the educational marketplace. Boston, MA: Houston Mifflin. Powell, D. R. (1991). How schools support families: Critical policy ...
If developing and enriching the literature on democratic and ethical educational leadership is a first step, sharing that scholarship is a logical next part of the sequence. Rounding out our commitment to develop and share a body of ...
Developing ethical principles for school leadership. Routledge. Begley, P. T., and Johanson, O. (2003). The ethical dimensions of school leadership. Springer. Branicki, L. J. (2020). COVID-19, ethics of care and feminist crisis ...
Pedagogically rich, demographically inclusive, and culturally sensitive, Ethical Decision Making in School and District Administration exposes educational leaders to an interdisciplinary array of theories from the fields of education, ...
there was also a need for ethics preparation for instructional leaders and for their students. He agreed with me. Both of us admired FDR and Eleanor and decided to name our movement the New DEEL (Democratic Ethical Educational ...
This book, although targeting educational leaders, - teachers, school-based administrators, superintendents, board members, policy makers and education students, is also addressed to those interested in the topic of ethics and those who ...