Sex offenders, and in particular paedophiles, have been the subject of much political and media attention, producing intensive debates about the best way of dealing with them. This book explores these issues, evaluating the measures in use or being considered, including drug treatment, MAPPA, the use of the Sex Offender Register, restorative justice techniques, and treatment programmes. It is concerned with high-risk sex offenders both when they are sentenced to a community order, and also when they are released back into the community after a custodial sentence. The introductory section opens with a discussion on how terms such as paedophilia are constructed and viewed, and then looks at how government policy regarding sex offending has developed over recent years. Section two looks at issues concerned with risk management, questioning whether enough is being done to monitor the risk that high-risk offenders pose when released into society; whilst section three, on risk reduction covers the main methods of treatment, including sex offender treatment programmes, pharmacotherapy (chemical castration) and restorative and reintegration techniques. Section Four focuses on specific offender groups; including female sexual offenders, sexual harm by youth, mentally disordered sexual offenders and intellectual disabled offenders. These assess in what ways these offenders are different to the 'norm' and look at how we should be dealing and treating these differences. The final section looks at social and moral responsibilities, including the patterns, prevention and protection of cyber-sex offences and media constructions of and reactions to paedophilia. In the final chapter the concept of dignity is addressed and the balance between community protection and the rights of sex offenders involved is evaluated.
This book explores current criminal justice responses to the management of individuals who are convicted of sexual offences.
Drawing on a wide range of cross-national literature and original research by the author, this timely book reviews current approaches to the community management of high risk offenders.
Based on key research into assessment, treatment and recidivism, this book offers practical guidance on improving intervention techniques with sex offenders.
A variety of outcome data related to two sex offender treatment programs managed by the authors, and described in detail, is included in the text.
This information-rich volume expands current knowledge about sexually violent predators and critiques SVP laws with the goal of fostering improvements in clinical practice and public policy.
Between 2005 and 2006, 447 homicides were committed by men and 31 (6.94 per cent) by women (Hunter et al. 2009), suggesting that, on the whole, men are more violent. Between 2008 and 2009, women were involved in 19 per cent of all ...
This book deals with society's responses to sex offenders.
Dangerousness, risk and the governance of serious sexual and violent offenders. Oxford: Routledge. Harrison, K., Manning, R. and McCartan, K. (2010). Current multidisciplinary definitions and understandings of 'pedophilia'.
This text brings together leading authorities in the field, providing authoritative coverage of the theory and practice of public protection, both in the UK and internationally.
This handbook specifically looks at the topics of sexual offender theory, assessment, rehabilitation, prevention, policy, and risk management.