This popular text mixes the best classic theory and research on urban politics with the most recent developments in urban and metropolitan affairs. Its very balanced and realistic approach helps students to understand the nature of urban politics and the difficulty of finding effective solutions in a suburban and global age. The eighth edition provides a comprehensive review and analysis of urban policy under the Obama administration and brand new coverage of sustainable urban development. A new chapter on globalization and its impact on cities brings the history of urban development up to date, and a focus on the politics of local economic development underscores how questions of economic development have come to dominate the local arena. The eighth edition is significantly shorter than previous editions, and the entire text has been thoroughly rewritten to engage students. Boxed case studies of prominent recent and current urban development efforts provide material for class discussion, and concluding material demonstrates the tradeoff between more ideal and more pragmatic urban politics.
Coincidental with the civil rights movement sweeping the country , a number of radical professionals were expressing challenging and dissenting viewpoints in the fields of urban planning , social welfare , health , and education .
Tim O'Neil, “Blacks Want Half of City's Wards in Redistricting,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch (June 8, 1991), p. 3A. Shaw v. Reno, 92357 (1993). In 1996 the Court rejected a somewhat redrawn 12th congressional district in North Carolina yet ...
Steve McGovern’s Urban Politics: A Reader examines the changing structure of political power in cities through the lens of historical development, accompanied with brief explorations of pertinent public policy issues.
This text is an authoritative volume on an established subject in political science and the academy more generally: urban politics and urban studies.
Praised for the clarity of its writing, careful research, and distinctive theme — that urban politics in the United States has evolved as a dynamic interaction among governmental power,...
During the past ten years suburban growth outpaced city growth irrespective of whether a city's population was falling, staying stable, or rising.34 Minorities have driven most of this growth, and this is reflected in the boomburbs.
She is the author of Unfair Housing: How National Policy Shapes Local Action, a co-author of Multiethnic Moments: The Politics of Urban Education Reform, and co-editor of The Handbook of Public Policy Analysis.
Brian P. Gill et al., Inspiration, Perspiration, and Time: Operations and Achievements in Edison Schools (Santa Monica, ... David N. Plank, and Gary Sykes, “Teachers Unions in Hard Times,” 204–206, both in Conflicting Mission?
The CQ Press Guide to Urban Politics and Policy in the United States will bring the CQ Press reference guide approach to topics in urban politics and policy in the United States.
Luis Ricardo Fraga, “Domination Through Democratic Means: Nonpartisan Slating Groups in City Electoral Politics,” Urban Affairs Quarterly 23:4 (June 1988): 528–55. Boudreau et al., “Lost in Space?” Boudreau et al., “Lost in Space?