This bibliography of reference works from Chinese, Japanese and Western language sources covers: the 1911 Revolution; the Republic of China (1912-1949); the People's Republic of China (1949 onwards); post-1911 Hong Kong and Macau; and post-1911 overseas Chinese. Filled with helpful checklists, charts, and suggestions for further reading, this practical, comprehensive, and multidisciplinary guide takes readers through the entire case-writing process, including skills for writing both teaching cases and research cases. This edition includes new discussions of students as case writers, and how to interpret and respond to reviews, as well as updated and expanded material on video, multimedia and Internet cases.
Ninth printing and third paperback printing 1967.
This visually stunning book focuses on the rebirth of Chinese art in the twentieth century under the influence of Western art and culture.
Incorporating the very latest specialized research, and drawing upon Chinese cinema and autobiographical memoirs, this fascinating narrative account: - Explores the impact of political, social and cultural change on women's lives, and how ...
The chapters in this volume reflect a move away from a Western-centred analysis of Chinese history, as well as the new wealth of archival material made accessible over the last decade.
Munro argues that while many competing positions can coexist in the same person, the seeds of the positive, instrumental value of individual autonomy in Chinese inquiry are beginning to compete in both scholarly and popular culture with ...
Educational pursuits run like a rich thread through the fabric of China's turbulent twentieth century. From the founding of China's first modern school system in the late Qing dynasty through...
Twentieth Century China
“Rich insights into how one country has dealt with perhaps the most central issue for any human society: the health and wellbeing of its citizens.” —The Lancet This volume examines important aspects of China’s century-long search to ...
Sullivan presents a wealth of material that has never before appeared in a Western language. I expect it will be the standard book on twentieth-century Chinese art for the foreseeable future.
Although deconstruction has become a popular catchword, as an intellectual movement it has never entirely caught on within the university.