Designed to meet the curriculum needs of students from grades 7-12, this five-volume encyclopedia explores the history and civilizations of the ancient world from prehistory to approximately 1000 CE. Organized alphabetically within geographical volumes on Africa, Europe, the Americas, Southwest Asia, and Asia and the Pacific, entries cover the social, political, scientific and technological, economic, and cultural events and developments that shaped the ancient world in all areas of the globe. Each volume explores significant civilizations, personalities, cultural and social developments, and scientific achievements in its geographical area. Boxed features include Link in Time, Link in Place, Ancient Weapons, Turning Points, and Great Lives. Each volume also includes maps, timelines and illustrations; and a glossary, bibliography and indexes complete the set.
Fascimile of: The book of the ancient world for younger readers, 1923.
This volume offers an account of early world history from the rise of the first cities to the fall of the Roman Empire.
Maps, illustrations and photographs of relevant artefacts and locations are also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in the ancient world or the history of classical education.
This reference tells the stories of the peoples of the ancient past and shows how they laid the foundations of the modern world.
A History of the Ancient World: The Orient and Greece
BELOW: The top of the fort's inner rampart as it is today. Danebury was protected by a formidable system of ditches and ramparts. The Mystery of the Pits While some people lived in. Hill forts were enclosed with high banks of soil and ...
Bharata War and the surrounding areas was replaced by a much more sophisticated kind of ware: PGW, or painted grey ware, thrown on a wheel and painted with patterns and flowers. Slightly later, a similar but distinctive pottery, ...
Maps on lining paper/Bibliography.
This book shows how the Near East, Greece and Rome witnessed the emergence of city and state government, the development of decision processes, expansion and the effects of social structures, interaction of different cultures, and the ...
Chronology of the Ancient World, 10,000 B.C. to A.D. 799