This unique encyclopedia explores the historical and contemporary controversies between science and religion. It is designed to offer multicultural and multi-religious views, and provide wide-ranging perspectives. "Science, Religion, and Society" covers all aspects of the religion and science dichotomy, from humanities to social sciences to natural sciences, and includes articles by theologians, religion scholars, physicians, scientists, historians, and psychologists, among others. The first section, General Overviews, contains essays that provide a road map for exploring the major challenges and questions in science and religion. Following this, the Historical Perspectives section grounds these major questions in the past, and demonstrates how they have developed into the six broad areas of contemporary research and discussion that follow. These sections - Creation, the Cosmos, and Origins of the Universe; Ecology, Evolution, and the Natural World; Consciousness, Mind, and the Brain; Healers and Healing; Dying and Death; and Genetics and Religion - organize the questions and research that are the foundation of the enormous interest, and controversy, in science and religion today.
On its appearance in 1946 the book quickly became the focus of controversy.
This unique encyclopedia explores the historical and contemporary controversies between science and religion. It is designed to offer multicultural and multi-religious views, and provide wide-ranging perspectives. "Science, Religion, and Society"...
Yet, sociological analysis of these subjects remains surprisingly scarce. This wide-ranging book critically reviews the ways in which religious and non-religious belief systems interact with scientific methods, traditions and theories.
This comprehensive presentation examines scientific evidence of reincarnation, case histories, near-death experiences, heredity, genius, etc. It explores social and religious issues, and includes lectures delivered at Harvard and Columbia.
Science, Religion, and Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Culture, and Controversy
New technology, industry and commerce have spawned the global interdependency of all people, making us our brothers' keepers by necessity, asserts author Anna Lemkow in this exciting demonstration of the reality of Wholeness as a universal ...
This book proposes a counter-view to this emphasis on the strictly privative character of innovative fictions by examining experimental works' positive ideas and affects, as well as readers' engagement in the formal pleasure of ...
This book provides an in-depth ethnographic study of science and religion in the context of South Asia, giving voice to Indian scientists and shedding valuable light on their engagement with religion.
In this book, members of the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR) offer international and multi-faith perspectives on how new discoveries in science are met with insights regarding spiritual realities.The essays reflect the ...
Each term carries with it claims to truth: nature inasmuch as it conveys our beliefs of how things naturally are and should be; science in and through its methods, evident results, and institutional prestige; and religion in its objects and ...