Managers increasingly must make decisions based on almost unlimited information. How can they navigate and organize this vast amount of data? Essentials of Business Research Methods provides research techniques for people who aren't data analysts. The authors offer a straightforward, hands-on approach to the vital managerial process of gathering and using data to make clear business decisions. They include such critical topics as the increasing role of online research, ethical issues, data mining, customer relationship management, and how to conduct information-gathering activities more effectively in a rapidly changing business environment. This is the only such book that includes a chapter on qualitative data analysis, and the coverage of quantitative data analysis is more extensive and much easier to understand than in other works. The book features a realistic continuing case throughout the text that enables students to see how business research information is used in the real world. It includes applied research examples in all chapters, as well as Ethical Dilemma mini - cases, and interactive Internet applications and exercises.
EssEntials of Business Research Methods sEcond Edition Joseph F. Hair Jr. • Mary Wolfinbarger Celsi Arthur H. Money • Phillip Samouel • Michael J. Page M.E.Sharpe Armonk, New York London, England Copyright © 2011 by M.E. Sharpe, ...
Hello, You are one of a select group of people who, within the past two years, purchased a Weber outdoor barbecue. My name is Dr. Arthur Money, and I am a Business Professor at Henley Management College, U.K. I have been retained by ...
Nikandrou, I., Apospori, E. and Papalexandris, N. (2005) 'Changes in HRM inEurope: A longitudinal comparative study among 18 European ... Saunders, M.,Lewis, P.and Thornhill, A. (2007) Research Methods for Business Students (4th edn).
As a result, a newer, trimmer version of the marketing research report is being used by many companies. This executive-ready report is based on four principles: conciseness, adaptability, readability, and balance.2 Smartphones and email ...
A perennial bestseller since 1997, this updated tenth edition of Understanding Research Methods provides a detailed overview of all the important concepts traditionally covered in a research methods class.
This is a text for introductory research methods courses, as required in several social science majors.
This comprehensive edited volume is the first of its kind, designed to serve as a textbook for long-duration business analytics programs. It can also be used as a guide to the field by practitioners.
A complete guide for how to design and conduct theory-testing and other case studies, this text sets out structures and guidelines that assist students and researchers from a wide range of disciplines to develop their case study research in ...
As part of the Essentials of Behavioral Science series, this book offers a thorough review of the most relevant topics in research design and methodology.
The book used a case study approach for all the chapters with interactive videos. The book gave emphasis to quantitative data analysis using a software program, IBM SPSS 20.0.