Now revised and updated to incorporate numerous new materials, this is the major source for researching American Christian activity in China, especially that of missions and missionaries. It provides a thorough introduction and guide to primary and secondary sources on Christian enterprises and individuals in China that are preserved in hundreds of libraries, archives, historical societies, headquarters of religious orders, and other repositories in the United States. It includes data from the beginnings of Christianity in China in the early eighth century through 1952, when American missionary activity in China virtually ceased. For this new edition, the institutional base has shifted from the Princeton Theological Seminary (Protestant) to the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural Relations at the University of San Francisco (Jesuit), reflecting the ecumenical nature of this monumental undertaking.
2 parts . Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 13 ( 1973 ) : 110-32 ; 14 ( 1974 ) : 16085 . Swanson , Allen J. The Church in Taiwan : A Profile , 1980. Pasadena , Calif .: William Carey Library , 1981 . - .
Christianity in the People's Republic of China
... Cong Malixun dao Situ Leideng: lai Huaxinjiao chuanjiaoshi pingzhuan ######|E|# ##: 2&######### Congshu jicheng ###EX ... falüzhixiang ##### Fan Hongye ### Fan Lizhu #### fan Tianzhu ming 3EX-Eff Fang Hao jj: Fang Litian jjYIX Fang ...
The second volume on Christianity in China covers the period from 1800 to the present day, dealing with the complexities of both Catholic and Protestant aspects.
The first Protestant missionary to China, as stated by most his- torical books, was Robert Morrison of the London Missionary Society, who came to Macao, then a Portuguese colony, in September 1807. A few days after he arrived in Macao, ...
A Star in the East draws on two major national surveys to sketch a close-up of religion in China. A reliable estimate is that by 2007 there were approximately 60 million Christians in China.
But the Faith of George W. Bush, there is something that I have a question about. I don't know, I have the book, but forgive me I ... Second, I'm sure they have some hocus-pocus initiation ceremony. They probably stroke a donkey's head; ...
In The Registered Church in China, Wayne Ten Harmsel pulls back for Western readers the shroud of mystery surrounding Chinese registered churches.
... “His Dominion” and the “Yellow Peril”: Protestant Missions to Chinese Immigrants in Canada, 1859–1967 (Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2006); Matthew Todd, English Ministry Crisis in Chinese Canadian Churches: ...
This major work covers each of the historic periods in China with a focus on the development of Christianity and its cultural interaction in each period.