An Introduction to Operations Management: The Joy of Operations covers the core topics of operations management, including product and service design, processes, capacity planning, forecasting, inventory, quality, supply chain management, and project management. Das provides a clear, connected, and current view of operations management and how it relates to a firm’s strategic goals. Students will benefit from the real-world scenarios that foster an understanding of operations management tasks. Without relying heavily on statistics and mathematical derivations, the book offers applied models and a simple, predictable chapter format to make it easy to navigate. Students of introductory operations management courses will love this practical textbook. A companion website features an instructor’s manual with test questions, as well as additional exercises and examples for in-class use.
Written for today's students and the exciting, ever-evolving marketplace, the second edition of Introduction to Operations Management is the text to bring operations management into the modern era.
Introduction to Operations Management
This text offers an introduction to operations management. Numerical models are used to illustrate decision processes, though the emphasis is rigorous, not quantitative, and there is material on supply chain management and e-commerce.
... company Commercial printer Formula 1 race car Apparel sewing Bakery Semiconductor wafers Auto assembly • Computer assembly • Large auto assembly Medium (10–100) Medium (100–100k) • • Worker-paced line flow Machine-paced line flow ...
Introduction to Operations Management
In a statement,Whirlpool Chairman and CEO David R. Whitwam said that shipping delays,“most of which are already behind us,are due as much ... Brennan said that he's been steering customers who don't want the long wait to other brands.
First, the objective function (7.1) is formulated: Z 1⁄4 ∑ fs Á ys þ ∑ ∑ Csm Á x sm ð7.1Þ s2S s2S m2M The sum of ... s 2 S. Obviously, it is useless to install a transport link between market m and facility s if s is not opened, ...
Features the latest concepts and applications while not losing focus on the core concepts that has made this text a market leader. This approachable text supports students in applying concepts...
Duguay, C., Landry, S. and Pasin, F. (1997). From mass production to flexible/agile production. ... Mass Customization: The New Frontier in Business Competition. Harvard Business School Pine, B. J., Victor, B. and Boynton, ...
MATCHING SUPPLY WITH DEMAND by Cachon and Terwiesch is the most authoritative, cutting-edge book for operations management MBAs. The book demands rigorous analysis on the part of students without requiring...