International Natural Resources Law, Investment and Sustainability provides a clear and concise insight into the relationship between the institutions that govern foreign investment, sustainable development and the rules and regulations that administer natural resources. In this book, several leading experts explore different perspectives in how investment and natural resources come together to achieve sustainable development in developing countries with examples from water, oil and gas, renewable energy, mineral, agriculture, and carbon trading. Despite varying perspectives, it is clear that several themes are central in considering the linkages between natural resources, investment and sustainability. Specifically, transparency, good governance and citizen empowerment are vital conditions which encourage positive social, economic and environmental outcomes for developing countries. In addition, this book provides new insights into key concepts which underpin international law, including sovereign rights and state responsibility principles. It is clear from this book that in the attempt to reconcile these concepts and principles from separate legal regimes, complex policy questions emerge whereby it is difficult to attain mutually beneficial or succinct outcomes. This book explores how countries prioritise their policy objectives to achieve their notion of sustainable natural resource use, which is strongly influenced by power imbalances that inform North–South cooperation, as well as South–South cooperation in the international investment regime. This book will be of great interest to students, academics and researchers of international environmental law, international human rights law, international investment law and international economic law. This book may also be of relevance to environmentalists, policy-makers, NGOs, and investors working in the natural resources field.
Examining the law, regulation and governance of natural resources, this timely work addresses the conflicts and contradictions arising at the intersection between international economic law, sustainable development and other areas of ...
22 L. Peluso, C. Lund, “New Frontiers of Land Control: Introduction,” Journal of Peasant Studies, 2011,667. 23 Exstensively A. Rozanov, “Who Holds the Wealth of Nations,” Central Banking Journal, 2005, 52. 24 L. Catá Backer, ...
Schrijver (Vrije U., Amsterdam) and Weiss (U. of Amsterdam) have both served on committees of the International Law Association (ILA).
'This book is a very welcome addition to publications on globalisation and natural resources management.
Foreign Investment, Law and Sustainable Development: A Handbook on Agriculture and Extractive Industries
Situating the global poverty divide as an outgrowth of European imperialism, this book investigates current global divisions on environmental policy.
This book seeks to answer the questions: how do the rules of international treaties on trade and investment apply to the new laws and policies relating to energy-related trade, and do the rules of the multilateral system contribute to or ...
... national cultural heritage 457 cultural landscapes 456 definition of 212–13, 457 value of 457 natural heritage, definition of 212 World Heritage Convention see World Heritage Convention World Heritage List 68, 69, 74, 213 high seas ...
This book will be of interest to scholars, students and informed practitioners working in the fields of international investment and human rights law, comparative law, socio-legal studies, and development studies.
Considering natural resources in relation to environmental law, energy law, investment and economic law, this text will provide students with the tools to analyse and contextualise the emerging regulatory framework.