In this book and companion website you will find: ■ A practice-oriented description of qualitative and quantitative research methods that engages rather than intimidates students ■ Illustrations of real-life research and evaluation from different levels of social work practice, encompassing many populations ■ Attention to the ethics and politics of research at each phase of the process, from the identification of an issue through reporting findings ■ Exercises that provide hands-on learning opportunities in research and evaluation ■ A historical, strengths-based perspective on research and evaluation in social work that teaches empowerment and professionalism ■ Six in-depth, interactive, easy-to-access cases, that include data in SPSS and Excel ■ A wealth of instructor-only resources available at, including sample syllabi, links, multiple-choice, and free-response test items all linked to current EPAS standards, and PowerPoint presentations.
This is the fifth and final text in McGraw-Hill's new series NEW DIRECTIONS IN SOCIAL WORK.
This is essential reading for any one taking a research module on Social Work programmes, at undergraduate and postgraduate level, or practitioners wishing to advance their own practise and deliver the best possible service they can.
JEAN GIBSON A native of Alabama, Jean Gibson had received her MSW from the University of Alabama. A twenty-eight-year-old lesbian, she was in a long-term committed relationship. As a therapist at Highland, she saw the writing on the ...
Ethics in Social Work Research: A Primer
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the nature of social work research.
This new text illuminates the essential information about health and social work critical to understanding today’s complex health care systems and policies.
Pearson Kann, L., McManus, T., Harris, W. A., Shanklin, S. L., Flint, K. H., Hawkins, J., Queen, B., Lowry, R., O'Malley-Olsen, E., Chyen, D., Whittle, L., Thornton, J., Lim, C., Yamakawa, Y., Brener, N., & Zaza, S. (2016).
The demands of federal legislation like No Child Left Behind and state requirements for certification are making it increasingly necessary that school social workers demonstrate that they are highly qualified school-based mental health and ...
Summary of the Affordable Care Act. Retrieved from KirstAshman, K., & Hull, G. (2009). Generalist social work practice. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.
Part I of the text includes three chapters that address the core foundations of social work practice: how assessment, intervention and evaluation are linked; the role of theory and research in practice; and a chapter on ethics.