Psychology and the Conduct of Everyday Life moves psychological theory and research practice out of the laboratory and into the everyday world. Drawing on recent developments across the social and human sciences, it examines how people live as active subjects within the contexts of their everyday lives, using this as an analytical basis for understanding the dilemmas and contradictions people face in contemporary society. Early chapters gather the latest empirical research to explore the significance of context as a cross-disciplinary critical tool; they include a study of homeless Māori men reaffirming their cultural identity via gardening, and a look at how the dilemmas faced by children in difficult situations can provide insights into social conflict at school. Later chapters examine the interplay between everyday life around the world and contemporary global phenomena such as the rise of the debt economy, the hegemony of the labor market, and the increased reliance on digital technology in educational settings. The book concludes with a consideration of how social psychology can deepen our understanding of how we conduct our lives, and offer possibilities for collective work on the resolution of social conflict.
13., 74 Kleinfeld, J., 231 Kleinke, C. L., 260 Kleinmuntz, B., 257 Kleitman, N., 51 Klemm,W R., 35 Klentz, B., ... D. W, 221 MacLeod, C., 207 MacLeod, M. ("Calum"), 414 Maddi, S. R., 414 Madonna, 339 Madrian, B. C., 210 Madsen, T. M., ...
Psychologische und psychoanalytischeEntwicklungserklärungen” inForum Kritische Psychologie, 1995,35, 109–131. ... “Psychologie: Verständigung über Handlungsbegründungen alltäglicher Lebensführung” in Forum KritischePsychologie, 1996, ...
Psychology and the Conduct of Everyday Life: International Conference : June 26-28, 2013 : Program and Abstracts
A notable contribution to our understanding of ourselves. This book explores the realm of human behavior in social situations and the way that we appear to others. Dr. Goffman uses the metaphor of theatrical performance as a framework.
The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. New York: Basic Books. Gerbner, G. & Gross, L. (1976). The scary world of TV's heavy viewer. Psychology Today, 9, 41–45. Gerbner, G., Gross, L., Morgan, M. & Signorielli, N. (1994).
Toward the Psychology of Malefaction This is a book about human wickedness. I would like to identify two obstacles in the path that this book seeks to traverse.
Working with Everyday Life Materials Svend Brinkmann ... (Merleau-Ponty, 1945, p. ix) Using a metaphor, we can say that when we are concerned with how humans live their everyday lives, the sciences may give us maps, but the world of ...
Based on a collection of chapters of leading scholars in the field, the purpose of this book is to intervene in current debates on the scientific foundation of psychological theory, methodology and research practice, and to offer an in ...
New York: Pearson. Griffin, M.A., Landy, F.J. & Mayocchi, L. (2002). Australian influences on Elton Mayo: The construct of revery in industrial society. History of Psychology, 5(4), 356–375. Griggs, R.A. & Whitehead, G.I., III. (2015).
Berkowitz, L., Fraser, C., Treasure, F.P. and Cochran, S. (1987) Pay, equity, job qualifications, and comparisons in pay satisfaction. ... Caplan, R.D., Cobb, 8., French, J .R.P., Van Harrison, R. and Pinean, S.R. (1975) Job Demands ...