Art-Based Supervision is a unique text for graduate supervision classes and seminars as well as a resource for post-graduate supervisors and practitioners. It offers a new view of supervision, one that incorporates both images and words as tools to investigate and communicate the interactions that occur in therapy and in the systems in which clinicians work. The fundamental principles of supervision provided in the book are useful for anyone interested in exploring the use of images to support reflection, understanding, and empathy in their work. Full-color images further enrich the narrative. In addition to supervision courses, Art-based Supervision may be used for introductory art therapy, psychology, social work, and counseling courses for readers interested in a broad range of intimate examples of the challenges of therapeutic work and the use of response art to grasp nuanced communication.
This book will teach supervisees how to make the most of their experience while simultaneously providing a comprehensive reference for practicing supervisors.
The intention of this book is three-fold: to be a supervision handbook for art therapy students; to be a self or peer supervision resource for professional therapists; and to provide a framework for training art therapy supervisors.
Highlighting topics that include play techniques in supervision, cognitive behavioral play therapy, and trauma, this book is ideal for individuals in a university, clinical, school, agency, etc. setting who provide supervision for ...
In A. Chesner and H. Hahn (eds) Creative Advances in Groupwork. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Cocksworth, C. and Brown, R. (2006) Being a Priest Today (2nd edition). Norwich: Canterbury Press. Davies, D. (2002) Theology and ...
Navigating Art, Diversity, and Culture Megu Kitazawa ... A cultural humility approach to art therapy multicultural pedagogy: Barriers to compassion. ... Using art therapy with diverse populations: Crossing cultures and abilities.
Killick, K. (1996) `Unintegration and containment in acute psychosis', British Journal of Psychotherapy, 13 (2): 232±242. Killick, K. (2000) `The art room as container in analytical art psychotherapy with patients in psychotic states', ...
This book lays the foundation for a fresh interpretation of art-making and the therapeutic process by re-examining the concept of poiesis.
This book presents fresh and practical interdisciplinary arts-based concepts and methods to support and improve therapists' work assisting individuals and groups to develop coping, expressive, and communicative skills, broaden creativity ...
... Compassionate Confrontation Confrontation can be an effective way of encouraging members to look honestly at themselves. But group leaders should be mindful that almost no one enters into therapy because of their good feelings. On the ...
In Effective Supervision, Robert J. Marzano, Tony Frontier, and David Livingston show school and district-level administrators how to set the priorities and support the practices that will help all teachers become expert teachers.