This stimulating text shows how primary mathematics can be creative, exciting and enjoyable. Offering teachers a dynamic and different perspective, it enables them to see and teach in creative ways that will develop their pupil’s mathematical thinking potential. Creative Teaching: Mathematics in the Primary Classroom encourages students, trainees and practicing teachers to envision and develop a classroom where children can take risks, enjoy and experiment with mathematical thinking, and discover and pursue their interests and talents in an imaginative yet purposeful way. This second edition contains key updates to reflect the changes to the primary curriculum and includes: new sections on: specialist teaching, parental engagement and approaches to homework; creative classroom environments; working walls, displays and outdoor settings; links to assessment, speaking, listening and learning theory; use of media, film, news and stories for creative learning; cross-curricula work. Featuring reflective tasks in every chapter, this book will prove essential and inspiring reading for all trainee and practising teachers looking to develop their creative practice. Aimed at primary and early years trainee teachers, NQTs and experienced teachers, this is a timely publication for teachers and schools seeking to broaden their maths curriculum, making it more creative and appealing to young minds.
An exciting mixed product of print and downloadalbe resources, this book presents over 200 tips, tools and practical strategies for more effective teaching and learning that can be used in your classroom tomorrow.
Experts are raving about this "must-have" resource for primary teachers that includes dozens of fun activities to help children listen to language and play with sounds.
Become the truly creative teacher to which you have aspired Highlights of the book: -Explores and expands opportunities for engaging student conversation and ideas - Adds variety and depth to your teaching methods - Hone questioning and ...
This book provides a step-by-step plan for effectively using drama, role-play, music, art, and much more in the classroom to reach every one you teach.
Tap into hidden creativity, engage students in the learning process, and foster creative thinking and expression with innovative techniques based on Downing's research and experience.
Weekly lesson plan pages for six different subjects. Records for each of four 10-week quarters can be read on facing pages. Plus helpful tips for substitute teachers. 8-1/2" x 11". Spiral-bound.
This book contains an evidence-based pedagogic guide to enable any motivated teaching/training professional to be able to teach effectively and creatively.
The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences (2nd ed.). ... A call to action: The challenges of creative teaching and learning. ... The ABCs of how we learn: 26 scientifically proven approaches, how they work, and when to use them.
A concise, practical and creative guide to meeting the needs of pupils with a variety of learning styles and needs.
YES? Then this is the book for you! This is the essential resource for trainees and teachers working in the PCET sector who are looking for new and creative ways of engaging and motivating their learners.