Learning to Teach Geography in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience

Learning to Teach Geography in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience
Learning to Teach Geography in the Secondary School
David Lambert, Mary Biddulph, David Balderstone


Learning to Teach Geography in the Secondary School has become the widely recommended textbook for student and new teachers of geography. It helps you acquire a deeper understanding of the role, purpose and potential of geography within the secondary curriculum, and provides the practical skills needed to design, teach and evaluate stimulating and challenging lessons. It is grounded in the notion of social justice and the idea that all students are entitled to a high quality geography education. The very practical dimension provides you with support structures through which you can begin to develop your own philosophy of teaching, and debate key questions about the nature and purpose of the subject in school. Fully revised and updated in light of extensive changes to the curriculum, as well as to initial teacher education, the new edition considers the current debates around what we mean by geographical knowledge, and what’s involved in studying at Masters level. Key chapters explore the fundamentals of teaching and learning geography: Why we teach and what to teach Understanding and planning the curriculum Effective pedagogy Assessment Developing and using resources Fieldwork and outdoor learning Values in school geography Professional development Intended as a core textbook and written with university and school-based initial teacher education in mind, Learning to Teach Geography in the Secondary school is essential reading for all those who aspire to become effective, reflective teachers. Praise for previous editions of Learning to Teach Geography in the Secondary School... 'This is a practical and visionary book, as well as being superbly optimistic. It has as much to offer the experienced teacher as the novice and could be used to reinvigorate geography departments everywhere. Practical activities and ideas are set within a carefully worked out, authoritative, conceptual framework.' - The Times Educational Supplement 'This is a modern, powerful, relevant and comprehensive work...a standard reference for many beginning teachers on geography initial teacher training courses.' - Educational Review

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