Major developments in the field since the publication of Learning Forensic Assessment are integrated in this revised edition, including revised editions of the DSM-5, HCR-20 scale, and child custody guidelines. This textbook is designed for graduate students learning forensic assessment and psychologists coming to forensic practice later in their careers. It is organized around five broad areas: Professional and Practice Issues, Adult Forensic Assessment, Juvenile Forensic Assessment, Civil Forensic Assessment, and Communicating Your Findings. Each chapter begins with a strong teaching and learning foundation. The latter part of each chapter is assessment specific, covering available assessment measures and approaches to assessment. The authors go well beyond simple descriptions of assessment measures and provide a conceptual discussion of the evaluation process that helps the reader understand how assessment measures fit into the overall evaluation process. The evaluation component is geared toward assessing the important aspects of the construct as laid out in the early part of each chapter. Each chapter then concludes with a case example to illustrate the measures and techniques described.
Unlike most of the literature in forensic mental health assessment, this book posits the existence of broad principles of forensic assessment that are applicable across different legal issues and are derived from and supported by sources of ...
The volume is divided into sections by evaluation type: criminal, civil, and juvenile and family evaluations.
The book will be useful for novice and experienced forensic psychologists and psychiatrists who are looking for case studies that integrate the most recent empirical evidence with psychological test findings.
Kraemer, H. C., Kazdin, A. E., Offord, D. R., Kesler, R. C., Jensen, P. S., & Kupfer, D. J. (1997). Coming to terms with the terms of ... Leistico, A. R., Salekin, R. T., deCoster, J., & Rogers, R. (2008). A large-scale metaanalysis ...
In addition, this volume offers updated coverage of the most frequently used instruments in forensic psychological assessments, including the MMPI®-2 and MMPI-2-RF, PAI®, Rorschach®, ASPECT, and various neuropsychological assessment ...
These volumes offer invaluable guidance for anyone involved in conducting or using forensic evaluations.
There is an abundance of case law on the insanity defense, most of which was not covered in this brief compendium of laws relevant to conducting insanity evaluations. Clinicians looking to gain further information on case law relevant ...
This book will be an invaluable resource for forensic psychologists, forensic neuropsychologists, forensic psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals whose work brings them into contact with the juvenile justice and adult criminal ...
Most professional forensic literature addresses the assessment of adults yet neglects the necessary differences that arise when working with minors.
Put simply, decisions about child custody and severance of parental rights are ultimately legal and moral and are best left to the legal decision maker (Azar et al., 1995; Emery, 1999; Melton, 1999; Melton et al., 1997; O'Donahue ...