The Routledge Companion for Architecture Design and Practice provides an overview of established and emerging trends in architecture practice. Contributions of the latest research from international experts examine external forces applied to the practice and discipline of architecture. Each chapter contains up-to-date and relevant information about select aspects of architecture, and the changes this information will have on the future of the profession. The Companion contains thirty-five chapters, divided into seven parts: Theoretical Stances, Technology, Sustainability, Behavorism, Urbanism, Professional Practice and Society. Topics include: Evidence-Based Design, Performativity, Designing for Net Zero Energy, The Substance of Light in Design, Social Equity and Ethics for Sustainable Architecture, Universal Design, Design Psychology, Architecture, Branding and the Politics of Identity, The Role of BIM in Green Architecture, Public Health and the Design Process, Affordable Housing, Disaster Preparation and Mitigation, Diversity and many more. Each chapter follows the running theme of examining external forces applied to the practice and discipline of architecture in order to uncover the evolving theoretical tenets of what constitutes today’s architectural profession, and the tools that will be required of the future architect. This book considers architecture’s interdisciplinary nature, and addresses its current and evolving perspectives related to social, economic, environmental, technological, and globalization trends. These challenges are central to the future direction of architecture and as such this Companion will serve as an invaluable reference for undergraduate and postgraduate students, existing practitioners and future architects.
This edited volume investigates how practitioners, researchers, educators, and professionals engage with, think about, and value the practice of critique.
Before the 1990s, mainstream architecture firms tended to run in a 'company' style, like Haigo Shen Architects and Associates, Fei & Cheng Associates, C. Y. Lee & Partners and J. J. Pan and Partners, architects and planners in the 1980s ...
This book is organized in four parts: theoretical foundations, tools and techniques, AI in research, and AI in architectural practice. It provides a framework for the issues surrounding AI and offers a variety of perspectives.
With contributions from 44 expert practitioners, educators and researchers, this volume engages theory, history, technology and the human aspects of performative design thinking and its implications for the future of design.
This collection creates an opportunity for exchange and reflection on games in architecture and urban planning.
NASA Available online: Raphael, S. (1990) An Oak Spring Pomona—A Selection of Rare Books on Fruit in the Oak Spring Garden Library. Virginia: Oak Spring Garden Library. Rinaldi, B. & Tan, P.Y. (Eds.) (2019) Urban Landscapes in ...
This volume comprises 39 original and high quality design research chapters from contributors around the world, with offerings from the vast array of disciplines in and around modern design praxis, including areas such as industrial and ...
The book presents a diversity of hybrid art-and-science thinking, revealing how science and culture are interwoven. The book situates bioart and bioarchitecture within an expanded field of biology in art, architecture, and design.
The Spanish Mission–style house, designed by Royer, had an exterior surface of cement made to resemble stucco. Royer was distinctly inspired by Gustav Stickley, and the first house designed for Stickley's Craftsman Workshops in 1904 was ...
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) was formed in 1857, the first architectural school in the US opened at MIT in ... the umbrella organization that oversees all academic programs in North America, was formed in 1912 (Cuff 1991).