Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management

Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management
Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management
Business & Economics
Peter Mason


Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management is a unique text, which links these three crucial areas of tourism - impacts, planning and management. Tourism impacts are multi-faceted and therefore are difficult to plan for and manage. This title looks at all the key players involved - be they tourists, host communities or industry members - and considers a number of approaches and techniques for managing tourism impacts successfully. Now in a third edition, this bestselling text has been fully revised to include: New material on: terrorism, sustainability, climate change, sex tourism, heritage tourism, theories of tourism planning and GIS. New chapter on Destination Planning and Management Updated tourism data and statistics Case studies on urban tourism, pro-poor tourism, cruise ship tourism, coral reef tourism, historic monuments, eco-labels, codes of conduct and sustainable tourism from both developed and developing regions, including Australia, Iceland, Spain, the UK, Namibia, the Arctic and Antarctica. A companion website including PPTs, video and web links. The text is written in an accessible style and includes a plethora of features that engage and aid understanding. This accessible yet academically rigorous introduction to tourism impacts, planning and management is essential reading for all tourism students.

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