How can we treat survivors of sexual abuse more effectively? Sexual abuse against females is a serious problem in society and there is a need for a greater understanding of the presentation and treatment of adult survivors of sexual abuse. In Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Christine Baker combines her clinical experience with an innovative approach to the treatment of this problem. Female Survivors of Sexual Abuse addresses the experience of 180 female adults who were sexually abused in childhood, and provides detailed analyses and treatment approaches. The subject matter is presented in an accessible and compassionate way, imparting personal opinion and experience. It covers: * female survivors: their stories, and the evidence * integration, the alliance and the therapist * the survivor's journey to recovery * the families, disclosure and the role of the mother. This book enables the reader to "enter" the experience of the survivors and follow their progress to recovery, while highlighting the ever-changing state of knowledge in this difficult area. It will be invaluable to practitioners and students of clinical psychology, counselling, and psychiatry.
Long after the abuse has ended, negative internal messages can invade and linger. Daybreak's positive statements intercept self-defeating messages, guiding readers toward new and healthy ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Based on the experiences of hundreds of survivors & partners, this book profiles victims who share the challenges & triumphs of their personal healing processes.
Healing Through Group Work - Beyond Survival Terry S Trepper, Judy Chew ... Above all, this text is a tribute to those individuals who have allowed their untold stories to be told, and to those individuals who will embark on the healing ...
This book is for the silent sufferers -- the millions of men worldwide who are helping female partners recover from the trauma of childhood sexual abuse. What About Me? is...
The author examines the phenomenon and long-term impact of sexual abuse on male children, and dispells many myths regarding the invulnerability of male victims.
Part of the Serenity Meditation series.
First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Whatever future studies may show about this problem, it will not diminish this book's importance in taking the step of exploring this issue.
THIS BOOK "HEALING INSIDE AND FINDING MY VOICE FOR GROWTH: Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse And Scaling Heights" IS IMPORTANT FOR... Sexual assault survivors learn how to manage their life after the trauma.