Developmental psychology is concerned with the scientific understanding of age-related changes in experience and behaviour, not only in children but throughout the lifespan. The task is to discover, describe, and explain how development occurs, from its earliest origins, into childhood, adulthood, and old age. To understand human development requires one not only to make contact with human nature but also to consider the diverse effects of culture on the developing child. Development is as much a process of acquiring culture as it is of biological growth. This book reviews the history of developmental psychology with respect to both its nature and the effects of transmission of culture. The major theorists of the late 19th and early 20th century, Piaget, Vygotsky and Bowlby are introduced to provide a background to contemporary research and the modern synthesis of nature and nurture. This brief textbook is suitable as an introduction to developmental psychology, both at A level and for beginning undergraduate students. It aims to be of interest to psychologists, educationalists, social workers and others with an interest in a contemporary understanding of factors involved in human development.
Principles of Developmental Psychology
Advanced Proof of Principles of Developmental Psychology
This book explores the principles of physical, mental and emotional growth and development in children and teenagers.
This Book Is Designed To Meet The Requirement Of Students And Teachers For Background And Fundamental Information On Developmental Psychology.Major Topics Dealt In This Book Are: The Teaching Of Psychology; Hereditary And Prenatal ...
This book provides insight into how brain-behavior relationships change over time, how disorders differ in presentation across the lifespan, and what longer-term outcomes look like.
The primary goal of this book is to illustrate how child development principles and concepts are useful from many different perspectives - from different careers, different personal situations, different social policy issues - and how child ...
Topically organized,Child Development: Principles and Perspectivesuses a student-friendly writing style, intuitive design, and an active learning system to help students critically explore the many perspectives on child development.
Comprehensive and authoritative this handbook pushes back the frontiers of the study of human development in one single volume.
This volume provides a forum for interdisciplinary perspectives in the emerging discipline of developmental psychopathology.
The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders.