Now in its 6th edition, the authoritative textbook Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences, continues to provide advanced students with a practical and conceptual understanding of statistical procedures through examples and data-sets from actual research studies. With the added expertise of co-author Keenan Pituch (University of Texas-Austin), this 6th edition retains many key features of the previous editions, including its breadth and depth of coverage, a review chapter on matrix algebra, applied coverage of MANOVA, and emphasis on statistical power. In this new edition, the authors continue to provide practical guidelines for checking the data, assessing assumptions, interpreting, and reporting the results to help students analyze data from their own research confidently and professionally. Features new to this edition include: NEW chapter on Logistic Regression (Ch. 11) that helps readers understand and use this very flexible and widely used procedure NEW chapter on Multivariate Multilevel Modeling (Ch. 14) that helps readers understand the benefits of this "newer" procedure and how it can be used in conventional and multilevel settings NEW Example Results Section write-ups that illustrate how results should be presented in research papers and journal articles NEW coverage of missing data (Ch. 1) to help students understand and address problems associated with incomplete data Completely re-written chapters on Exploratory Factor Analysis (Ch. 9), Hierarchical Linear Modeling (Ch. 13), and Structural Equation Modeling (Ch. 16) with increased focus on understanding models and interpreting results NEW analysis summaries, inclusion of more syntax explanations, and reduction in the number of SPSS/SAS dialogue boxes to guide students through data analysis in a more streamlined and direct approach Updated syntax to reflect newest versions of IBM SPSS (21) /SAS (9.3) A free online resources site at with data sets and syntax from the text, additional data sets, and instructor’s resources (including PowerPoint lecture slides for select chapters, a conversion guide for 5th edition adopters, and answers to exercises). Ideal for advanced graduate-level courses in education, psychology, and other social sciences in which multivariate statistics, advanced statistics, or quantitative techniques courses are taught, this book also appeals to practicing researchers as a valuable reference. Pre-requisites include a course on factorial ANOVA and covariance; however, a working knowledge of matrix algebra is not assumed.
This best-selling text is written for those who use, rather than develop statistical methods. Dr. Stevens focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than on proving results.
Noted for its breadth and depth of coverage of multivariate statistics and its emphasis on power, this classic text focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than on proving results.
This book was written for those who will be using, rather than developing, advanced statistical methods.
Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences, Fourth Edition - Instructor's Manual
Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences: Analyses with SAS and IBM's SPSS
This successful text includes: *coverage of both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis plus illustrations of LISREL and EQS; *the EXAMINE procedure from SPSSX--terrific for exploring data; *a new section on the doubly multivariate ...
This successful text includes: *coverage of both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis plus illustrations of LISREL and EQS; *the EXAMINE procedure from SPSSX--terrific for exploring data; *a new section on the doubly multivariate ...
The Handbook emphasizes using models and statistics as tools. The objective of the book is to inform readers about which tool to use to accomplish which task.
Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences
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