Successfully navigate the minefield of misinformation that can prevent justice from being done in child sexual abuse cases! From the Foreword, by Robert Geffner, PhD, editor of the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse: “Too often, the public and some professionals have been misled by media publicity and articles . . . that appear scientific, but in reality, are biased opinions or over-generalized research. Forensic cases are being decided in many courts based upon the recommendations of so-called 'expert witnesses’who do not actually know the clinical research or understand the dynamics of such abusive relationships.” This much-needed book points out and corrects misinformation that everyone who works with victims, offenders, or families in which sexual abuse has occurred needs to understand clearly. Especially vital in today's political climate, Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors gives you state-of-the-science information on such myths as “false memory syndrome,” “recovered memory therapy,” and the “lack of harm” to some sexually abused boys. Misinformation Concerning Child Sexual Abuse and Adult Survivors examines: forensic issues, including the “false memory” defense and how the long-term impact of childhood sexual abuse is often misrepresented in court three separate expert examinations of Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman's well-known--and often misrepresented--review of long-term child sexual abuse outcomes treatment recommendations and guidelines for addressing the memory controversy in clinical practice the fascinating case history/cautionary tale of the child molester Robert Halsey, who was convicted and sentenced to two life sentences in 1993, and how public and academic resources were misused to claim he was wrongly convicted
Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
Hancock, Maxine, and Karen Burton Mains. Child Sexual Abuse: A Hope for Healing. Wheaton, Ill.: Harold Shaw Publishers, 1987. Written from a Christian perspective, this brief book examines the psychological damage to the survivor, ...
Sexual Abuse A Handbook for Helping Women Challenge their Past Liz Hall Siobhan Lloyd 22 ) The Falmer Press ( A member of the Taylor & Francis Group ) London • Washington D.C. UK USA The Falmer Press , 4 John St , Surviving Child.
Describes the latest clinical methods and advances in the treatment of these victims.
took the time to read and critique the manuscript : Ellen Bass , John Briere , Jon Conte , Laura Davis , Rob Freeman ... planes and in motel rooms all the way to Hong Kong and sent back detailed , thoughtful notes on nearly every page .
You are the key for the survivor's sexual abuse recovery.What you say and do can help the victim find a path towards healing-and away from addiction, co-dependency, isolation, shame, and depression.This short, easy-to-use book gives friends ...
Current statistics show that between one-fifth and one-third of all adults were sexually abused in some way before turning 18. Yet little has been written to help the adult survivor....
Zimbardo , P. , Haney , C. , Banks , W. , & Jaffe , D. ( 1972 ) . The psychology of imprisonment : Privation , power , and pathology . Unpublished paper , Stanford University , CA. About the Authors DAVID FINKELHOR is Associate Chair of ...
Directory of Services for Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
... celebrities, officials, and authority figures; exposes and scandals; violence; political connotations; multiple victims; institutional failure; high drama and sensationalism; “stranger-danger”; and “perfect victims” (e.g. Chibnall, ...