Fully updated and revised to include the latest case studies and examples from a broad range of industry sectors, this second edition of Strategic Marketing: An Introduction is a concise, thorough and enlightening textbook that demonstrates how organizations can cope with a myriad of demands by better understanding themselves, their products or services, and the world around them. From assessing internal relationships to planning and implementing marketing strategies, and featuring analysis of relationship marketing and strategic alliances, Proctor uses insights from a range of key models and theoretical frameworks to illustrate how an organization can successfully take advantage of ‘strategic windows’ to improve its position. Core issues covered include: marketing strategy analyzing the business environment the customer in the market place targeting and positioning marketing mix strategy. This textbook is the complete guide to assessing and imposing a realistic and successful marketing strategy to fit an organization, its resources and objectives, and the environment in which it operates. Accessibly written and supported by a user-friendly companion website, this new edition of Strategic Marketing: An Introduction is an essential resource for all students of marketing and business and management. A companion website provides additional material for lecturers and students alike: www.routledge.com/textbooks/9780415458160/
Strategic Marketing
Provides a short and concise look at the field. * Presents information that will have an international appeal.
Pearson developed the concept of an uncertainty map (Henry and Walker, 1991) which helps in the understanding of the concept of risk and uncertainty in innovative projects. Pearson identifies two key variables.
Strategic Marketing 8/e by Cravens and Piercy is a text and casebook that discusses the concepts and processes for gaining the competitive advantage in the marketplace. The authors examine many...
For managers and consultants, this book presents a conceptual framework that will help develop an overarching strategy for day-to-day decisions involving product and service design, branding, pricing, promotions, and distribution.
This text on market analyses and user-centricity does just that." —Leah J. Vriesman, Executive Director & Professor of Executive Programs in Health Policy & Management, and Co-Director of the Center for Healthcare Management at the UCLA ...
This fully revised 3rd edition of Strategic Marketing: Decision-Making and Planning sets a framework for marketing decision-making as a part of a holistic approach to an organisationa s strategic management.
THE DEFINITIVE M ARKETING GUIDE FOR THE 21st CENTURY Everything You Need to Plan Your Strategy and Achieve Your Goals From Fortune 500 consultant Robert J. Hamper--the man who wrote the book on strategic marketing--comes a powerful new ...
Collectively, this authoritative guide is an accessible tool for researchers, students, and practitioners.
Robinette, Scott (2001), 'Best Practice: Get Emotional', Harvard Business Review, May, pp. 24–5. Schewe, Charles D., and Geoffrey Meredith (2004), 'Segmenting Global Markets by Generational Cohorts: Determining Motivations by Age', ...