Risk Management in Port Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Security is the first book to address security, risk and reliability issues in maritime, port and supply chain settings. In particular this title tackles operational challenges that port, shipping, international logistics and supply chain operators face today in view of the new security regulations and the requirements of increased visibility across the supply chain.
3.2 Engineering and Process Benchmarking Methods Engineering and process benchmarking is a modelling and ... Popular techniques under this category include business process re-engineering (BPR), enterprise system's analysis, ...
... RiskManagement in Port Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Security, Informa: London. Babione, R., C.K. Kim, E. Rhone and E. Sanjaya ( 2003), Post 9/11 Security Cost Impact on Port of Seattle Import/Export Container Traffic, ...
This book covers issues having a significant impact on the industry.
Fawcett, S. E. & Waller, M. A. (2014). Supply chain game changers — mega, nano, and virtual trends — and forces that impede supply chain design (ie, building a winning team). Journal of Business Logistics, 35, 157–164.
''Enhancing port security via the enactment of EU policies'', in: K. Bichou, M.G.H. Bell and A. Evans (eds.): Risk Management in Port Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Security, London: Informa, pp. 303–334. PASAC (2003).
The book breaks new ground, combining the expertise of leading authorities to analyze and navigate the funding components for these critical transportation functions.
Risk management in Port Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Security. London, UK: Informa. Bouchiba, A., & Cherkaoui, A. (2007). Contribution de la modélisation dans la recherche des indicateurs de performance des processus métiers: ...
“Maritime Security and Regulatory Risk-Based Models: Review and Critical Analysis” in Bichou, Khalid, ed. Risk Management in Port Operations, Logistics, and Supply-Chain Security. New York, NY: Informa Law from Routledge.
Ng , K. Y. A. ( 2007 ) Port security and the competitiveness of short sea shipping in Europe: implications and challenges . In K. Bichou , M. Bell and A. Evans (eds.), Risk Management in Port Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain ...
The paper by Yeo et al. (2008) summarised port selection criteria from research undertaken since the 1980s. Malchow and Kanafani (2004) studied another significant characteristic of a port, which was its location.