It could be argued that the influence of Lacan on modern literary studies has been greater than anyone’s. Lacan has historicised the universal or mythic perceptions of Freud, and thus lent a new status to literature as a cultural artefact. This book, originally published in 1986, aims to delineate the trends in the uses made of Lacan today; to examine the theoretical substructure by which his work is accommodated to literature; and to analyse the way in which his work ‘models’ the formal relation of the literary text to other texts, to history and to politics.
... figure of a superego which propels the subject from the reign of one principle to another. The superego embodies nothing other than the very demand of jouissance, the most profound demands of satisfaction. This is the way Lacan ...
Psychoanalytic Theory in Lacan's Return to Freud Richard Boothby ... E Jacques Lacan. Ecrits. Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1966. ... Book II: The Ego in Freud's Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis, 1954-1955. Ed. Jacques-Alain ...
This work traces the development of Lacan's thinking on the role of the mother in psychical formation.
To understand the achievement of Jacques Lacan, one must turn to his roots. This book explores the grounding of Lacan's psychoanalytic work in the intellectual and artistic movements of the modernist period.
Figuring Lacan: Criticism and the Cultural Unconscious
An introduction to the works of the French psychoanalyst and thinker. An account is given of Lacan's thought, explaining its relevance both inside and outside psychoanalysis.
This book aims to make Lacan's ideas accessible and relevant also to mainstream psychoanalysts, and to showcase developments in Lacanian thinking since his death in 1981.
2 Juliet Flower MacCannell , Figuring Lacan : Criticism and the Cultural Unconscious ( Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press , 1986 ) . I liked the literary ambiguity of plusde - jouir : no more - by colloquially dropping the ne in ne ...
BIBLIOGRAPHY Anzieu , Didier , L'Auto - Analyse , Paris : P.U.F. , 1959 L'Auto - Analyse de Freud , Paris : P.U.F. , 1975 ( 2 vols . ) , translated by Peter Graham as Freud's Self - Analysis , London : Hogarth , 1986 Aristotle ...
Chapters 1, 2, and 5 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license available at Lacan’s ...