Here is an excellent introduction to and overview of the field of divorce mediation, a field that has grown rapidly and achieved a remarkable level of recognition among both the clinical and legal professions in the last decade. Divorce Mediation describes the process and some of the techniques of mediation, as well as mediation theory and training. Authorities from marriage and family therapy and law--all practicing mediators--address the ability of women to negotiate for themselves in mediation, describe several approaches to handling custody issues, and discuss several challenging issues facing the profession, including who should practice mediation, what are the boundaries and ethics of practice, and how does mediation relate to the traditional disciplines of law, psychology, marriage and family therapy, and social work. Summaries of actual case studies are especially helpful in illustrating how mediators accomplish their negotiations.
In this book filled with practical guidance and insight into negotiation, Gary Friedman details what each couple must bring to the mediator-motivation, responsibility, and a willingness to both agree and disagree.
Yellow pages advertising : An analysis of effective elements . Chicago : Author . Association for Conflict Resolution . ( 1991 ) . ... 10 Secrets of market success . Corte Madera , CA : Select Press . Foonberg , J. ( 1999 ) .
It is hoped that this handbook will fill this need. Having said that, however, it must be acknowledged that the purpose of this book is very much beyond that.
Divorce Mediation Manual offers an important resource for anyone contemplating divorce. This manual is meant to positively assist and inform couples engaged in the process of divorce mediation, helping them navigate the process.
Included in the book are samples of press releases, brochures, scripts, print ads, etc., for the mediator to use to educate the majority of men and women who have never heard of Divorce Mediation.
If you want to divorce with dignity and develop a blueprint for a satisfying life after your marriage ends, this book will set you on the right path.
A FriAndlier and Less Expensive Divorce Clients arriving in your office are usually confused about whatmediation means, their legal rights, and how it's all going to besorted out. You...
Davis, G., Bevan, G., Clisby, S., Cumming, Z., Dingwall, R., Fenn, P., et al. (2000). Monitoring publicly funded mediation. Report to the Legal Services Commission. London: Legal Services Commission. de Waal, F. B. M., & Tyack, ...
Through mediation or a collaborative divorce, you can avoid huge legal bills and debilitating conflict with your ex. This book guides you through all the steps of negotiating a divorce settlement, using mediation or collaborative law.
Dimensions and Practice of Divorce Mediation