Designed to support any introduction to psychology or critical thinking course, this engaging and concise companion takes an active learning approach to developing students’ critical thinking skills. The authors include a wealth of hands-on exercises that span the spectrum of topics in psychology from neuroscience, cognitive, social, abnormal, and developmental psychology. .
Exploring Psychology + the Critical Thinking Companion
Psychology + Critical Thinking Companion for Introductory Psychology
Discovering Psychology/Critical Thinking Companion
This concise paperback helps develop students' critical thinking skills through exercises keyed to the main topics in introductory psychology.
Modern Psychology + Study Guide + Critical Thinking Companion
Psychology + Psychinquiry + Scientific American Reader+ Hidden Mind + Critical Thinking Companion
In this volume an international team of distinguished contributors examines the major figures in Critical Theory, including Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamin, and Habermas, as well as lesser known but important thinkers such as Pollock ...
Special features include: • an emphasis on the constructive aspect of critical thinking—strengthening the arguments of others and constructing sound arguments of your own—rather than an exclusive focus on spotting faulty arguments • ...
This highly innovative text is psychologically informed, both in its diagnosis of inferential errors, and in teaching students how to watch out for and work around their natural intellectual blind spots.
Full of accessible stories and activities for children of all ages, Raising Critical Thinkers helps parents to nurture passionate learners with thoughtful minds and empathetic hearts.