Holt's Linear Algebra with Applications, Second Edition, blends computational and conceptual topics throughout to prepare students for the rigors of conceptual thinking in an abstract setting. The early treatment of conceptual topics in the context of Euclidean space gives students more time, and a familiar setting, in which to absorb them. This organization also makes it possible to treat eigenvalues and eigenvectors earlier than in most texts. Abstract vector spaces are introduced later, once students have developed a solid conceptual foundation. Concepts and topics are frequently accompanied by applications to provide context and motivation. Because many students learn by example, Linear Algebra with Applications provides a large number of representative examples, over and above those used to introduce topics. The text also has over 2500 exercises, covering computational and conceptual topics over a range of difficulty levels.
Ideal as an introduction to linear algebra, the extensive exercises and well-chosen applications also make this text suitable for advanced courses at the junior or senior undergraduate level.
Offering 28 core sections, the Seventh Edition successfully blends theory, important numerical techniques, and interesting applications making it ideal for engineers, scientists, and a variety of other majors.
Emphasizing active learning, this text not only teaches abstract algebra but also provides a deeper understanding of what mathematics is, how it is done, and how mathematicians think.
Numerous exercises allow the text to be used for a first course in statistical computing or as supplementary text for various courses that emphasise computations.
Linear Algebra with Applications, Alternate Eighth Edition provides instructors with an additional presentation of course material. In this edition earlier chapters cover systems of linear equations, matrices, and determinants.
The MATLAB toolkit available online, 'MATCOM', contains implementations of the major algorithms in the book and will enable students to study different algorithms for the same problem, comparing efficiency, stability, and accuracy.
Exercises and examples make up the heart of the text, with abstract exposition kept to a minimum. Exercise sets are broad and varied and reflect the author's creativity and passion for this course.
In addition to thorough coverage of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, game theory, and numerical analysis, the Second Edition features student-friendly additions that enhance the book's accessibility, including expanded topical ...
30 (1998) 107–117. T.H. Wei, The Algebraic Foundations of Ranking Theory, Cambridge University Press, University of Cambridge, 1952. Matrix Analysis, University Press, New York, 2013. 16. 15. second ed., Cambridge N.J. Higham, ...
Linear Algebra: A First Course with Applications explores the fundamental ideas of linear algebra, including vector spaces, subspaces, basis, span, linear independence, linear transformation, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors, as well as a ...