Loose-leaf Version for Macroeconomics: Principles for a Changing World

Loose-leaf Version for Macroeconomics: Principles for a Changing World
Loose-leaf Version for Macroeconomics
Business & Economics
Macmillan Higher Education
Eric Chiang


With this edition, Eric Chiang begins a new era for his acclaimed principles of economics textbook. Formerly CoreEconomics and now titled Economics: Principles for a Changing World, the new edition is thoroughly contemporary, fully integrated print/technology resource that adapts to the way you want to teach. As always, this concise book focuses on the topics most often covered in the principles course, but with this edition, it offers a stronger emphasis than ever on helping students apply an economic way of thinking to the overwhelming flow of data we face every day. Economics: Principles for a Changing World is fully informed by Eric Chiang’s experiences teaching thousands of students worldwide, both in person and online. Developing the text, art, media, homework, and ancillaries simultaneously, Chiang translates those experiences into a cohesive approach that embodies the book’s founding principles: To use technology as a tool for learning—before lectures, during class, when doing homework, and at exam time To help students harness the data literacy they’ll need as consumers of economic information To provide a truly global perspective, showing the different ways people around the world confront economic problems

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