Designed for America’s History, Ninth Edition, this two-volume primary source reader offers a chorus of voices from the past carefully selected to enrich the study of U.S. history. Five to six documents per chapter, ranging from speeches and political cartoons by celebrated historical figures to personal letters and diary entries by ordinary people, foster historical thinking skills while putting a human face on America’s diverse history. To support the structure of the parent text, unique part document sets at the end of each part present sources that illustrate the major themes of each section. Brief introductions place each document in historical context, and questions for analysis help students practice historical thinking skills and link individual sources to larger themes.
Building on the book's hallmark strengths — balance, comprehensiveness, and explanatory power — as well as its outstanding visuals and extensive primary-source features, authors James Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, and Robert Self have ...
America's History 8e, Value Edition, Combined Volume & Sources for America's History, Volume 1 8e: To 1877 & Sources for...
Known for its attention to AP® themes and content, the new edition features a nine part structure that closely aligns with the chronology of the AP® U.S. History course, with every chapter and part ending with AP®-style practice ...
Designed for America’s History, Eighth Edition, this two-volume primary-source reader offers a chorus of voices from the past carefully selected to enrich the study of U.S. history.
Did Hales elucidate any underlying economic reasons for enclosure? If so, what were Questions for Further Thought 1. What social ideals did Thomas More and John Hales hold in common? 2. Would Hales have found in More's Utopia a solution ...
America's History, Volume 1 & Sources for America's History, Volume 1: To 1877
Read + Practice for America's History, Value Edition (Twelve-Months Access) & Sources for America's History, Volume 1: To 1877 &...
... Rodriguez Director of Content Development: Jane Knetzger Senior Developmental Editor: Leah Strauss Senior Content Project Manager: Gregory Erb Senior Workflow Project Manager: Lisa McDowell Production Supervisor: Robert Cherry Media ...
"Designed to accompany the tenth edition of America's History, America's History, Concise Edition, and America's History, Value Edition, the sources collected here put students in unmediated contact with those whose experiences shaped our ...
America's History: Since 1865