Strive for a 5: Preparing for the AP(R) Environmental Science Examination is a workbook designed to help students evaluate their understanding of the material covered in the student textbook, to reinforce key concepts, and to prepare students for success on the AP(R) Environmental Science Exam. There are two sections in the Strive for a 5, a study guide section and a test preparation section. The study guide contains a detailed reading guide for students to use as they study the chapter with between 100 and 200 comprehension questions per chapter. There are also vocabulary exercises, math practice problems, and review questions, as well as FRQ practice questions and two full practice cumulative exams.
Designed to accompany the eight edition of America's History, and written by some of the most repsected and experienced AP(r) US History teachers in the country, Strive for a 5, gives students thepractice they need to succeed in the ...
The Practice of Statistics 6 Year Cd-rom Access Card
Shape your life in new, exciting ways. You can have control over your career, your outlook, your actions, and your priorities. This book helps you get a fresh start to begin building the successful life you want.
Known for its attention to AP® themes and content, the new edition features a nine part structure that closely aligns with the chronology of the AP® U.S. History course, with every chapter and part ending with AP®-style practice ...
This book is divided into two sections.
Strive for a 5 for America's History
The first section of this guide describes the structure and scoring of the AP World History Exam, while also offering tips and strategies on how to prepare for and answer AP-style multiple-choice and free response questions.
This book is divided into two sections.
8 AP Chinese practice tests, simulating the AP Chinese Language and Culture exam. With answers and downloadable audio for listening tests. For self-study, test preparation and developing listening skills.