Freedman College Physics, Second Edition, is a student-centered text and homework program for introductory, algebra-based physics courses. With a focus on conceptual understanding and biological applications, College Physics makes the relevance of physics clear to students. The Sapling Plus system combines the heavily researched FlipIt Physics prelectures (derived from smartPhysics) with a robust homework system, in which every problem has targeted feedback, a hint, and a fully worked and explained solution. Freedman, College Physics Second Edition and SaplingPlus This new integrated learning system brings together a ground-breaking media program with an innovative text presentation of algebra-based Physics. An experienced author team brings together a unique set of expertise and perspectives to help students master concepts and succeed in developing problem-solving skills necessary for College Physics. Now available for the first time with Sapling Plus--an online learning platform that combines the heavily research based FlipItPhysics prelectures (derived from smartPhysics) with the robust Sapling homework system, in which every problem has targeted feedback, hints, and a fully worked and explained solution. This HTML5 platform gives students the ability to actively read with a fully interactive ebook, watch pre-lecture videos and work or review problems with a mobile accessible learning experience. Integration is available with Learning Management Systems to provide single sign on and grade-sync capabilities and compatible with the iClicker 2 and other classroom response systems to provide a seamless full course experience for you and your students.
College Physics
This book is Learning List-approved for AP(R) Physics courses. The text and images in this book are grayscale.
The text has been developed to meet the scope and sequence of most university physics courses and provides a foundation for a career in mathematics, science, or engineering.
"University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses.
College Physics is the first text to use an investigative learning approach to teach introductory physics. This approach encourages you to take an active role in learning physics, to practice...
An algebra-based physics text designed for the first year, non-calculus college course. Although it covers the traditional topics in the traditional order, this book is very different from its competitors.
New coauthors Phil Adams and Ray Chastain thoroughly revised the Tenth Edition by incorporating the latest methods from educational research.
"University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses.
Throughout the text, students enjoy clear and concise explanations, relevant real-world examples, and problems that help them master physics fundamentals.
Its winning combination of annotated art, carefully integrated life sciences applications, and strong problem solving and conceptual understanding pedagogy makes this the best text available for helping students master the physics they need ...