Environmental Science for AP®

Environmental Science for AP®
Macmillan Higher Education
Andrew Friedland, Rick Relyea


Written specifically for the AP® Environmental Science course, Friedland and Relyea Environmental Science for AP® Second Edition, is designed to help you realize success on the AP® Environmental Science Exam and in your course by providing the built-in support you want and need. In the new edition, each chapter is broken into short, manageable modules to help students learn at an ideal pace. Do the Math boxes review quantitative skills and offer you a chance to practice the math you need to know to succeed. Module AP® Review questions, Unit AP® Practice Exams, and a full length cumulative AP® Practice test offer unparalleled, integrated support to prepare you for the real AP® Environmental Science exam in May. The new edition also features a breakthrough in digital-based learning--an edaptext, powered by Copia Class.

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