Experience American history through the tales of the famous, unknown, and marginalized people who embody it.
... and cultural beliefs of native North Americans remained powerful among their descendants for generations and continue to persist to the present. c Selected Bibliography General Works Robson Bonnichsen and Karen L.
LaunchPad comes with a wealth of primary sources and special critical thinking activities to help students progress toward achieving learning outcomes; LearningCurve, the adaptive learning tool that students love to use to test their ...
To 1877 James L. Roark, Michael P. Johnson, Patricia Cline Cohen, Sarah Stage, Susan M. Hartmann. To 1877 SIXTH EDITION TheAmerican Promise A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES VALUE EDITION James L. Roark Michael P. Johnson Patricia Cline ...
Available for free when packaged with the print book, the popular digital assignment and assessment options for this text bring skill building and assessment to a more highly effective level.
Robert Kaplan marshals extensive data to make the case that U.S. health care priorities are sorely misplaced--invested in attacking disease, not in solving social problems that engender disease in the first place.
Streamlined by the authors themselves to create a truly concise book, the fifth edition is nearly 15 percent shorter than the fourth compact edition, yet it includes more primary sources than ever—including a new visual sources feature.
See also Sectional conflicts Abortion : and Clinton presidency , 679 ; and Great Depression , 549 ; 1950s , 595 ; 1960s , 612 ; 1970s , 633 , 642 ; Reagan - Bush era , 663 Abraham Lincoln Brigade , 556 Acoma , New Mexico , 8 Adams ...
With the complete supplements package from the full text, the Value Edition offers everything cost-conscious instructors and students want and need for their U.S. history courses.
Red: Fate and Time Inseparable…A Promise By: Yen Sun Cheng Red: Fate and Time Inseparable…A Promise explores themes such as “what is the meaning of true love,” based on fate and soulmates through Tian and San’s romantic rivalry.
The American Promise: A History of the United States from 1865 Compact Edition