Using a social-psychological approach, the new edition of this book remains solidly grounded in theory and research, while also providing useful information to help individuals examine their own feelings about-and...
Children learn about death and learn about it in various ways, which are discussed in the following models for socialization in childhood. The models include parenting styles, observational learning, attachment theory, ...
This book evaluates existing theories, concepts, and models with the practices of death, dying and bereavement from different societies around the world.
Lee had drawn a study in shadows and light, showing an old stone bridge, arched over a long dark mountain tunnel, at the far end of which a brilliant white light gleamed. Many people report going through a passageway toward a wonderful ...
First published in 1996. This new book gives voice to an emerging consensus among bereavement scholars that our understanding of the grief process needs to be expanded.
Baldwin had chaired the Committee of Imperial Defence for five years, and was well acquainted with the potential impact of air raids; their place within a popular culture that increasingly fictionalised future war meant that many in his ...
Furthermore, physical death has relational consequences for others. My death, for example, would mean that my wife would undergo a relational/narrative change: that is, my wife would become a widow. Social death concerns our ipse ...
At a lecture, a woman named Meredith shared her story. Meredith's friends were telling her she just wasn't herself— what was going on? She explained that it was the twenty-fifth anniversary of her mother's death.
The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers and journals published today.
Inthis chapter wewillexplore the particular aspects that affect thecounselling and supportive work needed when workingwith people who are bereaved bymurder, manslaughter, suicide, andin disasters (Dixon 2001; Malone 2007).