Get ready for academic and workplace success! This robust learning package integrates advanced word processing, document formatting and design, and communication skills within a single text, along with a strong emphasis on honing skills by competing projects in a realistic office environment. Using Microsoft Word 2016, you will format advanced business correspondence, tables, reports, mail merge files, graphics, and a broad range of common document types, including meeting, travel, news, legal, medical, and human resources/employment, as well as practicing real-time co-authoring on OneDrive. The text includes nine modular projects and two comprehensive projects to help you apply what you learn and prepare you to be productive immediately when beginning your professional career. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
The text includes six modular projects and one comprehensive project to help you apply what you learn and prepare you to be productive immediately when beginning your professional career.
Susie H. Vanhuss, Connie M. Forde, Donna L. Woo, Vicki Robertson. Lesson 4 Left shift, H, t, period LEsson 4 LEft sHIft, H, t, pERIod moduLE 1 4e t and . (period) t Reach up with left. Warmup Lesson 4a Warmup home row 1 e/i/n 2 all ...
What are active materials? This book aims to introduce and redefine conceptions of matter by considering materials as entities that ‘sense’ and respond to their environment.
Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
The text provides proven instructional techniques based throughout the new edition to make students mastery of QuickBooks as effortless as possible.
This brief text emphasizes new-key learning and skill building while teaching the alphabetic keys, numeric keys, symbols, as well as the numeric keypad.
This collection examines the significance of food and hunger in Germany’s turbulent twentieth century.
In Continuous Architecture in Practice, three leading software architecture experts update the classic practices of the discipline for contemporary environments, software development contexts, and applications.
With this book, Gary has successfully integrated his profound realization with traditional non-dualistic teachings, as well as insights from Zen Buddhism and modern brain research, into a practical path that uses Yoga's time-tested ...
ILLUSTRATED MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 & EXCEL 2016: COMPREHENSIVE engages both computer rookies and today’s pros as this edition guides readers in thoroughly mastering advanced Microsoft Excel 2016 skills.