With quality content consistent with the text, the study guide contains chapter outlines linked to the learning objectives and assignments in the text as well as review questions, exercises, and problems. The working papers are designed to help you efficiently and successfully complete the end-of-chapter exercises and problems. The working papers and study guide are available in print for your purchase.
College Accounting
The book includes many real-world examples, high-interest problems and activities, in-text help and practice, and classroom-tested dynamic pedagogy.
The Tenth Edition of College Accounting retains the successful characteristics that make it a market leader--accuracy, careful pacing, and repetition of accounting terms, concepts, and procedures--while integrating new small-business and ...
The Tenth Edition of College Accounting retains the successful characteristics that make it a market leader--accuracy, careful pacing, and repetition of accounting terms, concepts, and procedures--while integrating new small-business and ...
This market leading text builds student skills in the areas of accounting knowledge, technology, communication, ethics, and critical thinking, providing students the skills needed to be successful in life and work.
This text builds student skills in the areas of accounting knowledge, technology, communication, ethics, and critical thinking, providing students the skills needed to be successful in life and work.
This text builds student skills in the areas of accounting knowledge, technology, communication, ethics, and critical thinking, providing students the skills needed to be successful in life and work.
College Accounting: A Practical Approach
College Accounting 22e: Chapters 1-27
The book includes many real-world examples, high-interest problems and activities, in-text help and practice, and classroom-tested dynamic pedagogy.