Gain a sound conceptual understanding of the role that management science plays in the decision-making process with the market leader that integrates the latest developments in Microsoft Office Excel 2016. The market-leading Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's AN INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT SCIENCE: QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES TO DECISION MAKING, 15E uses a proven problem-scenario approach to introduce each quantitative technique within an applications setting. All data sets, applications, and screen visuals reflect the details of Excel 2016 to effectively prepare readers to work with the latest spreadsheet tools. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This best-selling book flawlessly blends problem formulation, managerial interpretation, and math techniques with an emphasis on problem solving.
This text combines the market leading writing and presentation skills of Bill Stevenson with integrated, thorough, Excel modeling from Ceyhun Ozgur.
Introduction to Management Science
Introduction to Management Science, 2e offers a unique case study approach and integrates the use of Excel.
"Each new copy of the text contains a printed access code that grants access to the following resources: LINGO student edition, 5 optional chapters focusing on solution algorithms, Microsoft Office Excel worksheets for text examples, ...
Introduction to Management Science
The third edition of this highly-regarded text has been fully updated whilst maintaining the accessible and comprehensive style that makes this text so popular.Packed with diverse realistic examples from Scotland to Saudi Arabia, this truly ...
The Twelfth Edition focuses on the latest technological advances used by businesses and organizations for solving problems and leverages the latest versions of Excel 2013, Excel QM, TreePlan, Crystal Ball, Microsoft Project 2010, and QM for ...
Introduction to Management Science
This text provides an accessible entry point for students and professionals to management science as developed in fisheries, in order to facilitate uptake of the latest ideas and methods.