Master two essential subjects in engineering mechanics -- statics and mechanics of materials -- with the rigorous, complete, and integrated treatment found in STATICS AND MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. This book helps readers establish a strong foundation for further study in mechanics that is essential for mechanical, structural, civil, biomedical, petroleum, nuclear, aeronautical, and aerospace engineers. The authors present numerous practical problems based on real structures, using state-of-the-art graphics, photographs, and detailed drawings of free-body diagrams. All example problems and end-of-chapter problem follow a comprehensive, organized, and systematic Four-Step Problem-Solving Approach to help readers strengthen important problem-solving skills and gain new insight into methods for dissecting and solving problems. The free website also contains nearly 200 FE-type review problems to help prepare for success on the FE Exams. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
The text presents a commitment to the development of student problem-solving skills and features many pedagogical aids unique to Hibbeler texts. Mastering Engineering for Statics and Mechanics of Materials is a total learning package.
Statics and Mechanics of Materials
The hallmark of the book, however, remains the same as the author’s unabridged versions, and that is, strong emphasis is placed on drawing a free-body diagram, and the importance of selecting an appropriate coordinate system and an ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Throughout the book, many analysis and design applications are presented, which involve mechanical elements and structural members often encountered in engineering practice.
This book helps readers establish a strong foundation for further study in mechanics that is essential for mechanical, structural, civil, biomedical, petroleum, nuclear, aeronautical, and aerospace engineers.
Statics and Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Approach 2nd Edition with Engineering Mechanics Dynamics SI Set
The second edition of Statics and Mechanics of Materials: An Integrated Approach continues to present students with an emphasis on the fundamental principles, with numerous applications to demonstrate and develop logical, orderly methods of ...
This text is ideal for civil and mechanical engineering professionals. ¿ MasteringEngineering, the most technologically advanced online tutorial and homework system available, can be packaged with this edition.
With its hallmark clarity and accuracy, this text develops student understanding along with analytical and problem-solving skills.