Robert P. Yagelski's WRITING: TEN CORE CONCEPTS is based on ten fundamental lessons -- the core concepts -- that students must learn to become effective writers. The thorough integration of these core concepts and the space devoted to guiding students through the main composing assignments distinguishes this book from all other writing guides. The text introduces students to the key rhetorical moves of three essential aims of writing (analysis, argument, and narrative) and then offers applied assignment chapters that use the ten core concepts to guide students' thinking and writing. Emphasizing writing as an interaction between a writer and a reader, WRITING: TEN CORE CONCEPTS offers students a way to participate in the important conversations that shape our lives. The second edition includes 21 new readings, new strategies for academic reading, a new section on summary-response essays, updated guidance on finding digital resources and on MLA documentation, and more. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Andrew Mayne, star of A&E's Don't Trust Andrew Mayne and ranked the fifth best-selling independent author of the year by Amazon UK, presents insider advice from marathon writing to how to create a professional book cover in just ten minutes ...
A New York Times editorial board member and esteemed writing instructor counsels aspiring writers on how to move past conventional understandings about creativity, writer's block and other literary challenges to develop a greater ...
As she did for reading in the bestselling "Common Core Lesson Book, " Owocki empowers teachers with information and proven practices.
Laura Brown’s supportive, no-nonsense approach to business writing is thoughtfully adapted to the increasingly digital corporate landscape.
Forget the rest of the books written by pretenders. This is the ultimate resource for anyone who wants to professionally write a great nonfiction book.
For scholars frustrated with disciplinary conventions or eager to write for a larger audience, here are imaginative, practical, witty pointers that show how to make articles and books enjoyable to read—and to write.
Like Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird, Virginia Woolf’s A Writer’s Diary, and Stephen King’s On Writing, Dani Shapiro’s Still Writing is a lodestar for aspiring scribes and an eloquent memoir of the writing life.
This book provides dozens of tips for busy writers, including how to create your ideal writing space, how to develop habits that work for you, and how to keep your projects moving forward even when you’re short on time.
Primary Arts of Language: Reading-Writing Premier Package
From the Back Cover: Philip Gerard presents step-by-step strategies for writing a book that makes a difference-in the minds and hearts of your readers. By analyzing techniques used by classic...