Gain a strong understanding of the accounting information systems and related technologies used in a business career with Hall's leading ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 10E. This edition offers a unique emphasis on ethics, fraud and the modern manufacturing environment with a focus on the needs and responsibilities of accounting system designers and auditors. Coverage completely discusses Sarbanes-Oxley as it affects internal controls and other relevant topics. Examine the risks and advantages of IT outsourcing, including cloud computing. You increase your understanding of the risks and internal control issues related to a range of accounting information system technologies employed by today's small and large business organizations. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Accounting Information Systems: Connecting Careers, Systems, and Analytics
This book considers these risks.
The text focuses on business processes and accounting and IT controls, and includes discussion of relevant aspects of ethics and corporate governance.
Also new to this edition are chapters on such cutting-edge topics as the Resources, Events, and Agents (REA) approach, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and Electronic Commerce systems.
This new book focuses on the technology that is utilized by accountants and is written in a style that makes these technical concepts easy to understand.
Miller International Corp. is in the process of purchasing a new accounting software system. Miller is in a very specialized industry, with an international market. The company manufactures specialized parts to sell to companies in ...
CHAPTER 1 / Accounting Information Systems and the Accountant 9 the creation software that was used to prepare the ... Case-in-Point 1.6 Survey data from more than 100 hospital CFOs suggests five major themes regarding the evolution of ...
Providing a straightforward, concise text on the essentials of accounting information systems, this student textbook emphasizes the role of the accountant as user, evaluator, and designer of accounting information systems....
Revised edition of the authors' Accounting information systems, [2015]
This work stresses developing control objectives for each transaction cycle. Control objectives provide the basis for analysis and audit of an organization's internal control structure. It contains exam problem sets,...