Long at the forefront of the course, Clear/Reisig/Cole's AMERICAN CORRECTIONS has been a trusted resource for introducing students to the dynamics of corrections in a way that captures their interest and encourages them to enter the field. The twelfth edition provides a complete update on the facts and figures of correctional policy and practice in the United States. With career-based material, insightful guest speakers, real-world cases and even-handed treatment of institutional and community sanctions, the text examines the U.S. correctional system from the perspectives of both the corrections worker and the accused person. The result is that students get the most well-rounded, balanced introduction to corrections available. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Comprehensive yet not overwhelming, the book covers both institutional and community sanctions, incorporating high-profile corrections cases taken from recent headlines to reinforce important theories.
A comprehensive look at all areas of corrections as a TTsystemUT of interconnected organizations.
New to the Second Edition: Up-to-date coverage of today’s key issues reflects the latest developments in corrections, including the fiscal impact of corrections, reforms in corrections, and an expanded use of alternatives to incarceration ...
For instance, in 2006, Martin Lee Anderson, a 14-year-old boot camp inmate, died, allegedly at the hands of eight correctional staff members who were later charged with manslaughter. According to reports, Anderson collapsed while ...
Ibid . , p . 14 . 9 . President's Commission : Corrections p . 179 . 10. Ibid . 11. Ibid . 12. Daniel Glaser ... Ibid . , p . 373 . 25. See for example Lamar T. Empey and Steven G. Lubeck , The Silverlake Experiment ( Chicago , Illinois ...
Todd R. Clear, one of the country's leading experts in the study of corrections, and George F. Cole, considered by many as the "founding father" of modern criminal justice study, have combined talents once again for the new Sixth Edition of ...
Complete with valuable career-based material, insightful guest speakers who share their frontline perspectives, illuminating real-world cases, and uniquely even-handed treatment of institutional and community sanctions, the text examines ...
Todd R. Clear, one of the country's leading experts in the study of corrections, George F. Cole, considered by many as the 'founding father' of modern criminal justice study, and new co-author Michael D. Reisig, combine talents for the new ...
Analyzing American Corrections
Many types of complaints are cited as infringements on constitutional rights, and the First Amendment is often viewed as the ... In Cooper, the Court held that inmates were permitted to practice their religion provided that three basic ...