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Intended for three semesters of instruction, this guide to keyboarding begins with the basics and builds toward more advanced techniques.
This latest edition of CENTURY 21 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND KEYBOARDING helps students prepare for a lifetime of keyboarding success with innovative solutions updated to reflect today's business challenges.
This short supplement, which serves as a companion to the text for Spanish-speaking students, offers several additional lessons and document applications.
This latest edition helps to prepare students for a lifetime of keyboarding success with a complete family of proven solutions updated for a new decade of business challenges.
Ready to help you face all the business challenges that will come your way, this useful text lets you tap into the latest technology, helps you master computer applications using Microsoft Office 2010/2013, and builds your communication ...
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This booklet details word processing features, business document formats, and a style guide.
This text is a combination of 50 lessons of key learning/ technique mastery and 25 lessons on word processing/document formatting.
This new text is targeted for students who have had keyboarding and some basic computer applications instruction in another course.
A variety of techniques related to computer applications in social studies, science, math, arts/literature, and the environment/health for middle school students are featured.