Increasing Youth Leadership Programs for High Potential Girls of Color in East Oakland

African American girls
Debra L. Nelson


"This paper presents the outcomes of an Action Research project to design a Twenty-first Century youth leadership summer based program to meet the needs and realities of girls of color in the underserved community of East Oakland. The purpose of this eight-week action research project was to develop youth leadership programming, especially for African-American girls. Out of a need informed by two daughters of my own and the opportunity to apply what I was learning in the Saint Mary's Graduate Leadership program, I convened an Action Research (AR) project by inviting three African-American women with diverse perspectives who shared my longstanding passion for youth development and the desire to give back to our community. Through four cycles of action and reflection, we met five times to discuss existing youth leadership programs, funding sources, ideas for the content of a program, and the potential for collaborating with other programs. We agreed that the leadership capacities we wanted to encourage in program design included: communication skills (both oral and written) and community engagement in terms of civic involvement such as attending and speaking at city council meetings. And we wanted a program that increased the capacity for integrity, empathy, and compassion. The four of us agreed to continue on collaborating together after this eight week project was completed, with an eye to having a program in place by the summer of 2014. Besides laying the foundation for a girls' leadership program, we learned from engaging in action research that it can be an effective approach to collaborating in all kinds of organizational development. And we found that the methods of Action Research modeled aspects of leadership that would be valuable to include in a girls' leadership development program."--Abstract, p. 1.

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