Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity seeks to delineate the causes of and the solutions to health inequities in the United States.
Providing an accessible analysis, this book will be important to public health policy-makers and practitioners, business and community leaders, health advocates, educators and journalists.
American Indians and Alaska Natives have consistently experienced disparities in access to healthcare services, funding, and resources; quality and quantity of services; treatment outcomes; and health education and prevention services.
Genes, Behavior, and the Social Environment examines a number of well-described gene-environment interactions, reviews the state of the science in researching such interactions, and recommends priorities not only for research itself but ...
This report examines the links between inequality and other major global trends (or megatrends), with a focus on technological change, climate change, urbanization and international migration.
While indigenous peoples make up around 370 million of the world's population - some 5 per cent - they constitute around one-third of the world's 900 million extremely poor rural people.
This book makes three major recommendations: 1) the development of a research agenda 2) enhancing research opportunity and implementation and 3) the translation of research findings.
This book seeks to address three issues: How do European countries differ in their cultural integration process and what are the different models of integration at work?
While the studies in this book examine the various intersections of race and ethnicity with respect to gender, age, class, and sexuality, Cultural Constructions of Identity turns its primary focus on what these studies reveal about identity ...
Parenting Matters identifies parenting knowledge, attitudes, and practices associated with positive developmental outcomes in children ages 0-8; universal/preventive and targeted strategies used in a variety of settings that have been ...