Written by a nurse, a social worker and a clinical psychologist, this book focuses on interprofessional working at the level of patient or client care. It explores how practitioners from different professions work together now and in the future. Practical details of day to day working, and how these may change with impending developments in the UK and in Europe, are considered. Ways of improving interprofessional working are discussed and particular attention is paid to collaboration across organisational boundaries.
... Shelley Cohen Konrad, Signe Flottorp, John Gilbert, Brigid Gillespie, Pippa Hall, Ruth Harris, Gillian Hewitt, Valerie lles, Chris Kenaszchuk, Byrony Lamb, Tony Leiba, Jill Maben, Pat Mayers, Mary McAllister, Filomena Meife, ...
Interprofessional relationships are often complex, and allow investigation from a variety of perspectives: for example, ... The effect of interprofessional working on service delivery There is a general consensus among health and social ...
In Interprofessional Collaboration the benefits of collaboration for patients and carers are confirmed through theoretical models illustrated with case studies of existing examples.
Taking an interprofessional focus to reflect modern practice, this book introduces the complexity of balancing rights and risks.
Highlights the barriers to collaboration, how to overcome them, and the resulting dividends Enlivens health policy with a view to transformative adaptations in the workplace Draws on international examples of effective practice for local ...
This new edition of Interprofessional Working: An Essential Guide for Health and Social Care Professionals provides the underpinning theoretical and practical knowledge all undergraduate nursing and healthcare students will need to learn ...
The development of a professional identity is important in the formation of new healthcare professionals (Gibson et al., 2010; Johnson et al., 2012; Trede et al., 2012); in addition, a positive and flexible professional identity has ...
In this book, the authors use detailed case studies to explore and analyze the skills needed to enable readers to develop into successful leaders in diverse settings.
Measuring the Impact of Interprofessional Education on Collaborative Practice and Patient Outcomes addresses the current lack of broadly applicable measures of collaborative behavior and makes recommendations for resource commitments from ...
Health and welfare professionals increasingly have to collaborate and co-ordinate their practice in order to provide a more integrated service for the consumer.