Decision-making is a core skill in social work; it is crucial both to effective professional intervention and to successful practice outcomes. Yet it is a surprisingly neglected subject in the social work literature. This text offers a focused and systematic account of this complex and sometimes hazardous skill with the aim of providing practitioners with a clear and supportive framework for navigating their way successfully through difficult and demanding practice situations. Written in an accessible style and making imaginative use of case illustrations, it develops a framework chapter by chapter that addresses the social, organisational and psychological context of professional decision-making; the interests of different stakeholders; issues of power and oppression; and the processes involved in arriving at a decision and evaluating the outcome. By identifying the components of sound decision-making and linking these with the realisation of long-term goals, the text highlights how to improve the quality of social work and promote the wellbeing of clients while recognising that in a world of scarce resources, contradictory demands and social inequalities, the best-informed and most considered decisions will not always lead to good outcomes. This text is essential reading for all those involved in social work, whether as students, practitioners, managers or educators.
An accessible guide to clinical practice Great Readings in Clinical Science: Essential Selections for Mental Health Professions is the first book to focus exclusively on teaching students how to think scientifically about clinical practice.
Hauptbeschreibung Stimmt es wirklich, dass die meisten Menschen nur einen Bruchteil ihres Gehirns nutzen?
The following provides an example of how self monitoring , pain inventories and information derived from clinical interview are integrated into a treatment plan . Jane was seventeen years of age when she came for treatment .
Books that can be read in a few minutes , such as The Giving Tree and The Missing Piece by Silverstein provoke the patient to enter into contemplative patterns of thinking even before he or she sees you . High quality magazines such as ...
Hoffman , M. L. Moral development . In P. H. Mussen ( ed . ) , Carmichael's manual of child psychology ( Vol . 2 ) . New York : Wiley , 1970 . Hoffman , M. L. Developmental synthesis of affect and cognition and its implications for ...
Family Functioning and Treatment Adherence in Children and Adolescents with Cystic Fibrosis
In this book, nineteen writers explore our reactions largely, but not only, from the perspectives of Jungian Depth Psychology.
Diagnostic Psychological Testing, by David Rapaport, Merton M. Gill and Roy Schafer. Revised Ed. by Robert R. Holt
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To Clare and Sam with love M] To Charlie Woodcock, without whom I wouldn't he writing psychology hooks DP It seems appropriate that this book should he dedicated to my three lovely sisters, Penny, Ros and Kate who will appreciate the ...