The new edition of this authoritative account of the history of Spain in the Early Middle Ages is a substantially revised and corrected version of the original, first published in 1983. The text has been thoroughly checked and altered to take account of historical and archaeological research on the subject over the last decade. As well as short sections of new text inserted throughout, the central chapter on the Arab conquest and its aftermath has been entirely rewritten and enlarged. An entirely new bibliographical essay has been added, covering the state of scholarship up to 1994. The genealogies and lists of rulers have been corrected to bring them into line with the latest views, and a new preface has been written to describe the changes in the directions of research in Spain and beyond in the period since the publication of the first edition.
Chronicle / John of Biclaro -- History of the Kings of the Goths / Isidore of Seville -- The Chronicle of 754 -- The Chronicle of Alfonso III.
Likely to become the standard work in English, the book treats the entire Iberian Peninsula and all the people who inhabited it, from the coming of the Visigoths in the fifth century to the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella.
Architecture and Ideology in Early Medieval Spain covers the Spanish medieval experience from the Visigothic oligarchy to the year 1000, addressing a variety of cases of cultural interchange.
For this volume as a whole thanks are especially due to Michael Greenwood for encouragement and assistance through the press and to ... 3, from W. Davies, 'Local priests in northern Iberia'; in S. Patzold and A. C. van Rhijn (eds), ...
Conquerors and Chroniclers of Early Medieval Spain
Étienne , R. , and F. Mayet . “ Cartographic critique des établissements de salaisons de poissons dans la péninsule ibérique . ” In Rieth , Mediterranée antique . Evans , J. K. “ Plebs rustica : The Peasantry of Classical Italy II .
In this colorfully illustrated book, Rose Walker surveys Spanish and Portuguese art and architecture from the time of the Roman conquest to the early twelfth century.
Architecture and Ideology in Early Medieval Spain covers the Spanish medieval experience from the Visigothic oligarchy to the year 1000, addressing a variety of cases of cultural interchange.
This is a study of medieval Spain and its historians, from the chroniclers of the middle ages to the revisionists of the post-Franco era. The history of medieval Spain has...
Early Medieval Art in Spain