"What can a focus on approaches to food practices in Europe tell us about the communities and cultures that exist there? Krista Harper and Valeria Siniscalchi show how food becomes a marker of identity and resistance to social exclusion, and food values become tools for transforming power dynamics, in a range of European countries. Through the comparison of local food, food justice and other food-centred movements across Europe, the book explains how these forms of mobilization express ideologies as well as economic and political objectives. The chapters use ethnographic detail to focus on the differences between "new" and "old" values carried by individuals and groups in relation to food in Portugal, Greece, Latvia, Moldova, Denmark, the UK, Italy and France. Contributors analyze food values, as expressed in daily life and livelihoods, through specific practices of production, exchange and consumption. Topics covered include Prague's urban agricultural scene, the perception of poverty in Moldova, and organic food cooperatives in Catalonia"--
本书共八篇, 包括:心胸宽广汉堡包, 秀外慧中三明治, 内藏乾坤烙饼卷, 欢乐开怀披萨饼, 自由自在酥皮派, 琳琅满目小吃铺, 浓情蜜意甜点屋, 神清气爽沙拉吧.
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... bürgerlichen Küche übernommen - zunächst Eingang finden müssen . In den ... Reichtum verschiedenartiger , häufig mund- artlicher Bezeichnungen ( s . u ... bürgerlichen Kochkunst heimisch wurde auf der Grundlage der dortigen Vor- liebe für ...